Tag Archives: devil

Graffiti Galore

I have had an infatuation with graffiti art for some time. For me there is something very liberating and rebellious about finding a public place and making art,  knowing it will probably be around for only a very limited time. Usually it is either painted over by authorities or often another graffiti artist.

I also admire the skill and vision that must be  involved to paint some very elaborate designs with a can of spray paint. No pencil sketches allowed. My first exposure to spray paint art was in my teens when a friend offered to paint a wall in my bedroom with a face of one of my favorite rock stars, Frank Zappa, using neon spray paint. Cool idea. Needless to say, my mother was not too thrilled, but she did allow me to keep it. I think even she recognized it as a form of art.

Graffiti art can vary from simplistic designs such as the Skippy Girls in Australia to the mayhem I recently photographed in Philadelphia. Sometimes the artist is conveying a message, either political, social or gang related, other times it can be terrific mural. Generally, they are tagged, which is the artist’s signature.  All are impressive and I stop to view and photograph when ever possible. Enjoy the graffiti images below and if interested in seeing more please visit my website,  Susan McAnany Photography.

The Darlings of Darlington, Australia

Darlings of Darlington Graffiti Art
Graffiti Wall In St. Louis, Mo
Graffiti wall in St Louis
Religious, Gang or Political Message?
graffiti art photograph sea life
Social Related Message
just divorced graffiti art photograph
Graffiti Underground, Philadelphia, PA
photograph of graffiti underground in Philadelphia
 Images ©2003-2012  Susan M. McAnany – All Rights are Reserved.
More graffiti images can be viewed on my website www.susanmcanany.com in the Projects Portfolio.