Etsy IPO

Today is a great day for Etsy as it launches it’s Etsy IPO. The stock is set to open at $16.00 and trade up to $33.00 throughout the day. Who knows what the Etsy IPO will do after today, but I am confident that the company going public will bring more eyes to Etsy and my shop, McAnany.  My shop has been doing great the past month or so. Lots of new traffic and record number of inclusions in Treasuries. What is not to like about featuring great art in a Treasury.

It is quite interesting to see the scoop of items being sold on Etsy. Some are original one of a kind, referred to as OOAOK. This is a new term for me. Also, I am finding quite a bit of vintage items sold by resellers. Some very interesting items that often spur creative inspiration for me.

Sales at my store are increasing. Two new sales over the last week. Spiritual, a relatively new print I just released after going through my archives.


Also, Attraction, which is part of my On Black Series.


If you are interested in fine art photography, more of my work can be viewed on my website or at my Etsy store.

For today though, lets tip our hats and raise our glasses to toast Etsy as they launch their Etsy IPO!

Have a great day and thanks for reading!