Hummingbird Nest and Chicks

Around the end of January,  a momma hummingbird made her nest in a potted plant I had growing on the patio. That began our hummingbird experience.

A hummingbird nest is around 2 in by 2 in, so we lucked out when my partner even spotted it. A selfie stick was used to capture the inside of the nest, where the eggs are about the size of jelly beans.

Hummingbird Nest and Eggs


From that point it was a waiting game. We watch,  as the momma hummingbird would sit on her nest and keep the eggs warm. Two to three weeks later the eggs hatch and we had two hatchlings.

As you can imagine, the hummingbird hatchlings were so small in the nest, the chicks were barely visible in any photos. Any decent photo would have required artificial lighting and we did not want to disturb the chicks nature in action.  One thing I did do was purchase a feeder and make food so momma hummingbird would have enough substance to keep her babies alive.

It took another two to three weeks for the chicks to get large enough to get a decent photo. They actually started to get so big, I am amazed they still fit in the nest.

Two hummingbird chicks in nest.

Hummingbird Chicks in Nest.

We have endless hours of interest and enjoyment watching the hummingbirds grow and the      Momma tend to her babes and protect her feeder from other hummingbirds. I look forward to see what happens when they leave the nest. I will keep you posted.

Thanks for stopping by. More of my work can be viewed at or at my Etsy or Saatchiart studios.