Like everyone in America and throughout the world everyday we cope with changes due to Covid. We fill our day with work, research and projects that are on our lists. After awhile watching TV becomes old, worry becomes exhausting and making masks boring. This is the time to get creative.
Going thru my WIP folder, I found a photo project named Hope, I started six months ago that got derailed by other projects. Happily I had a piece to complete and exercise my creative muscle.
This piece shot in studio used a macro lens and studio lighting. The concept is to create a repetitive patterns of objects that can be easily found. However, I also want depth of field, so multiple images were taken using different focus spots. Keep in mind, the height of the objects is only one inch or less so attention to detail was important. In post processing, my favorite stacking software was used, Zerene Stacker, to merge all of the different images.
This software is easy to use and does a great job lining everything up and permits edit of the stacked composite image on the different source images. Of course, use of a tripod to shoot all images helped tremendously.
After the stacking process, I took the image into Photoshop for my final edits and to apply the different colors to the different squares.
Here is the image I call “Hope”

Colorful abstract fine art print.
I love this piece because I was able to combine many of my favorite aspects of photography. One is working in the abstract with a physical subject and the many technical considerations from lighting to composition. Another is being in the studio, where I have all my toys and tools available. And of course the post processing is vital step and truly makes each piece unique.
If interested, you can view more of my work at my website, Etsy or Saatchi Art.
Please everyone stay safe and well! As always, thanks for stopping by.