Tag Archives: trees

I have always been a big fan of trees. When I was in college I was so infatuated with trees, I took a 3 credit course. It was fascinating. As the season changes from summer to fall, I am reminded of just how majestic trees live their life. Many grow for decades, enduring extreme temperature and environmental changes and still manage to survive. Not too certain we humans would do as well. I came across this quote of Jeffrey McDaniel’s regarding trees and it really hit home.

“I realize there is something incredibly honest about trees in winter, how they’re experts at letting things go.” – Jeffrey McDaniel


tree at Fuji shoreline


Although this is not a fall foliage image, it does show the strength of this tree. The ability to endure coastal living with it’s sandy soil and constant salty conditions is just another way trees show their strength and honesty. Knowing when and how to conserve energy to endure.

Thanks for reading and check out more of my nature portfolio on my website.